Disappointingly low-res, but interesting. Compared to "Slow Shutter Cam" by Cogitap, which allows me to shoot at three levels of quality (S, M, L) and full resolution (2448x3264), this offers an inferior 720x960 capture and no selectable quality levels.
That said, this one seems to something interesting: image stabilization of the non-moving portions of an image (and maybe of the entire image, Im not sure). Taking a picture of my cat eating with this app, everything appears stationary and focused except the cat, who shows the expected motion blur (but not much). Contrast this with Cogitaps app, which applies no such stabilization, and everything shows motion blur (due to my not holding the camera perfectly still). This probably does make it a better choice for night photography, in certain circumstances and for most people.
Ultimately, until I find an slow shutter-esque app that makes image stabilization selectable, Ill probably keep both on my iPhone 4S and use one or the other as my exact intent warrants.
Thanks for reading.
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